Niecy&Co. Enterprises

Niecy& Co. Enterprises is a financial and business development brand that came to vision in 2020 by Quineycia Jones. Quineycia, an impeccable business professional who continues to operate providing an array of many financial services including starting as a Tax preparer in 2011.
Niecy& Co. Enterprise is currently located in Houston, TX, with the ability to provide services across 50 states. Whether your looking
for an individual consultant, specific matter expert, or plan builder Niecy& Co. Enterprise brings a top tier service. One of our goals is to do what our customers dont want to so they can enjoy the fruits of their labor to do what they enjoy. We value transparency and passion within our work.
We are committed to being transparent, affordable, and accountable to all customers.


Contact Us:

Contact Information

Phone: 817-527-5575


Address: 363 N. Sam Houston Pkwy ste. 1100
Houston, Tx 77060